Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What makes a great band?

From what I can tell just by my experience in the music business is that there are 4 basic elements to being a great band.

  1. You need good lyrics. This kills a lot of metal bands that sing about Satan, death & destruction when they really don't have those beliefs. Lyrics must come from the heart. I mean.... why sing stuff because you think it will appeal to a particular group of people? If you sing fake, canned, or other such lyrical refries your fans will know and you will be a flash in the pan.

  2. You need good music... I don't mean playing good, I mean playing something new that fits. Why try to play like Hendrix? You need to play like YOU without a bunch of cheap effects. Be sure to vary... Remember the band Boston? The guitarist played the same effects over and over on each track. People do get sick of that. Bottom line... don't break your back trying to sound like somebody else.

  3. Eye Candy... When people come to see you they want to SEE and HEAR you. Don't be a visual show that puts them to sleep!! Look at some past successful bands. What did they all have in common? A great stage show! Look at the Stones, Led Zeppelin or Aerosmith... They worked the crowd and never got dull during the show. Don't be afraid to dance like you're in front of your bathroom mirror!! People do have an interest in a band that works the crowd! As a matter of fact, some bands that sucked but had a good stage show went far... look at KISS. Nuff said.

  4. Talent is the staircase to success...who you know is the elevator... This is a sad but true crucial element. If you think for one minute that the above mentioned elements are the only keys to you being in the Rock-n-Roll hall of fame you're sorely mistaken. You really need to meet people.. lots of people. You need to be like a politician. Make damn sure as many people as possible know you and your band. No band ever became a raging success unless people knew them.

That's my take... feel free to add!

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